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Information management

Project information management

Information and communication around projects is important to keep all involved informed with the same and accurate information. Communication is an important subject in all situations, and especially in situations where the stakes are high. As projects get bigger, the group of people you need to inform and give information to gets bigger and bigger.

A good information system is vital to get a view of who needs information at what time, and what is the message you need to send an in which way is it most effective. When a project is developing, you will find yourself in the middel of a lot of things going on at the sane time. To manage this takes energy and time. You should however not let this occupation be a setback in communication or sharing the right information at the right time. It could even be wise to hire someone to manage all communication as a part of the project team.

Information and communications matrix

When it comes to information management in your project plan, it is wise to make a matrix where you can put all the information in as to:

  • who needs to be informed.
  • How do you inform certain groups. (mail, letter, telephone, pamphlet)
  • When do you inform which group of people.
  • How often do you inform the specific information and groups.
  • Why do you inform specific groups. (concentrate on the effect you want)

Act on the information activities

It is very important to not forget to to monitor the information and communication plans you made, and make it a returning subject in your project management team meetings.

Making up a good matrix is one thing, but really ACT on the activities you set out to do is another. Communication and information management is vital when it comes to getting the results that you want efficiently.

project information management